„Alles außer Beethoven- Jubiläumsprogramm“
- Robert Schumann (1810 – 1856)
„Märchenerzählungen“, op. 132
1. Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell 2. Lebhaft und sehr markiert
3. Ruhiges Tempo mit zartem Ausdruck 4. Lebhaft, sehr markiert
Gabriele Faure (1845-1924)
Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano, op. 120
1.Allegro, ma non troppo 2.Andantino 3.Allegro vivo
Max Bruch(1838-1920)
Acht Stücke für Klarinette, Viola und Klavier op.83 (bearbeitet für Violine, Auswahl)
Camile Saint-Saens (1835-1921)
Bela Bartok (1881- 1945)
Trio „Kontraste“ Sz. 111 BB 116
1.Verbunkos (Recruiting Dance) 2.Pihenö (Relaxation) 3.Sebes (Fast Dance)
Are you tired of the ubiquity of Beethoven's name? The Trio Sérénade has an alternative to offer - for indeed, the year 2020 has a host of other anniversaries to celebrate: Robert Schumann (110th anniversary of his birth), Gabriel Fauré (175th anniversary of his birth), Max Bruch (centenary of his death), Béla Bartók (75th anniversary of his death). The programme offers an interesting tour through the history of music after Beethoven: from Schumann's fairy tales, through Bartók's contrasts to the enchanting melodies of Fauré and Bruch. A variety of styles guarantee that there is something for every ear..
If you're interested in this program feel free to contact me.